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clean room
clean room project
  1. When implementing the national standard for construction quality acceptance of clean room projects, it should be used in conjunction with the current national standard "Uniform Standard for Construction Quality Acceptance of Construction Projects". There are clear regulations or requirements for the main control items such as acceptance and inspection in project acceptance.

The inspection of clean room engineering projects is to measure/test, etc. the characteristics and performance of specific engineering projects, and compare the results with the provisions/requirements of standard specifications to confirm whether they are qualified.

Inspection body is composed of a certain number of samples that are collected under the same production/construction conditions or collected in a prescribed manner for sampling inspection.

Project acceptance is based on the construction unit's self-inspection and is organized by the party responsible for project quality acceptance, with the participation of relevant units involved in project construction. It conducts sampling inspections on the quality of inspection batches, sub-items, divisions, unit projects and hidden projects. Review the construction and acceptance technical documents, and confirm in writing whether the project quality is qualified based on the design documents and relevant standards and specifications.

The quality of the inspection should be accepted according to the main control items and general items. The main control items refer to the inspection items that play a decisive role in safety, energy saving, environmental protection and main use functions. Inspection items other than the main control items are general items.

2. It is clearly stipulated that after the construction of the clean workshop project is completed, acceptance should be carried out. The project acceptance is divided into completion acceptance, performance acceptance, and use acceptance to confirm that each performance parameter meets the requirements of design, use, and relevant standards and specifications.

The completion acceptance should be carried out after the clean workshop has passed the acceptance of each major. The construction unit should be responsible for organizing construction, design, supervision and other units to conduct acceptance. 

Performance acceptance should be carried out. Acceptance of use shall be carried out after performance acceptance and shall be tested. Detection and testing are carried out by a third party with corresponding testing qualifications or by the construction unit and a third party jointly. The testing status of the clean room project acceptance should be divided into empty state, static state and dynamic state.

Testing at completion acceptance stage should be conducted in empty state, performance acceptance stage should be conducted in empty state or static state, and testing at the use acceptance stage should be conducted in dynamic state.

The static and dynamic expressions of the empty state of the clean room can be found. The concealed projects of various professions in clean room project should be inspected and accepted before being concealed. Usually the construction unit or supervisory personnel accepts and approves the visa.

System debugging for the completion acceptance of clean room projects is generally carried out with the joint participation of the construction unit and the supervision unit. The construction company is responsible for system debugging and testing. The unit responsible for debugging should have full-time technical personnel for debugging and testing and qualified personnel who meet the specifications. The quality acceptance of the sub-project inspection batch of the testing instrument clean workshop should meet the following requirements: have complete construction operation basis and quality inspection records; all quality inspections of the main control projects should be qualified; for the quality inspection of general projects, the pass rate should not be less than 80%. In the international standard ISO 14644.4, the construction acceptance of clean room projects is divided into construction acceptance, functional acceptance and operational acceptance (usage acceptance).

Construction acceptance is a systematic inspection, debugging, measurement and testing to ensure that all parts of the facility meet the design requirements: Functional acceptance is a series of measurements and testing to determine whether all relevant parts of the facility have reached an "empty state" or "empty state" when running at the same time.

Operation acceptance is to determine through measurement and testing that the overall facility reaches the required "dynamic" performance parameters when operating according to the specified process or operation and the specified number of workers in agreed manner.

There are currently multiple national and industry standards involving clean room construction and acceptance. Each of these standards has its own characteristics and the main drafting units have differences in scope of application, content expression, and engineering practice.

Post time: Sep-11-2023